House guide - 2nd floor
Bathroom (2nd floor)
- Bath/Shower
- Toilet
- Toothpaste
- Hair dryer located in hall closet
Guestroom/Kids room (2nd floor)
- Full bed
- Twin bed loft (accessible via ladder)
- Closet
- Camp bed (in closet)
- Pack N Play (in closet)
- TV & Nintendo Switch
- Selection of folding desks/tables (in closet)
Closets (2nd floor)
- Vacuum cleaner
Master bedroom, bathroom & balcony (2nd floor)
- King bed
- Alarm clock
- iPhone charger
- Closet
- Please be aware that we have our personal clothes in the closet and drawers of the master and upstairs bedrooms, but feel free to move/work around them to accommodate your own clothing!
- Shower
- Toilet
- Balcony - chairs
- Weights
- Exercise bench
- Exercise equipment
There is a window unit AC in the Master Bedroom as it can get warm in there. Fairly self explanatory, but place the outlet hose in the window and turn on. Feel free to use!